Picture for song 'Memory Lane (162 bpm Bb)' by artist 'Alegal'

Memory Lane (162 bpm Bb)

Melodic beats with energy! FREE Mastering for any existing song! DM me for special offers.

$19 East Coast 162 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'Shooters (80 bpm Dbm)' by artist 'Alegal'

Shooters (80 bpm Dbm)

Melodic beats with energy! FREE Mastering for any existing song! DM me for special offers.

$19 Gangsta 80 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'One More Word (85 bpm Dbm)' by artist 'Alegal'

One More Word (85 bpm Dbm)

Melodic beats with energy! FREE Mastering for any existing song! DM me for special offers.

$19 Old School 85 BPM 4/4 No samples